In this latest webinar, you'll learn about the new decisions prescribed in the new decree.

Zied Rouissi, Managing Director of CNFCPP, will explain the new measures concerning digital training and CNFCPP's commitment to encouraging this type of training.

The Covid crisis has changed the perception of elearning in Tunisia, forcing companies/organizations to change their training practices.

This urgency has given rise to an ambiguity that raises a number of questions. Faced with a wide variety of tools, methods and practices, L&D managers may find it difficult to put their digital learning projects into practice.

This Webinar is the second in a series of 3 Webinars offered by UPTITUDE to share its experience with you and help you successfully complete your digital training projects.

Mr. Abdelkader BOUDRIGA, with more than 25 years of expertise in the training field and based on feedback from our customers, we will review the 7 best practices to ensure the success of a Digital Learning project

In this webinar, you'll discover the different e-learning modalities, the technologies available and the best practices for successful digital training.

You will also learn about the components of the digital learning value chain, as well as the various professions and service providers required to make your training digitalization project a success.